Anyone Who Isn't Me

"Anyone Who Isn't Me" marks a new phase for Reeves as he takes center stage to show his formidable talents as a singer-songwriter. Reeves' music is often deceiving.  The up-beat and melodic nature of it draws listeners in with it's captivating pop appeal, while real-life dramas take place in the lyrics.  Reeves crafts deeply personal songs and then brings them to a new level with his gift as a singer, songwriter, and keyboardist.

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Another Lap Around The Sun

"The songs hit home, the music kept me up, and in the lyrics I found a kindred spirit talking directly to me. I love that! Simple melody mixed with really complex and intellectual note play. It's just wildly talented musicianship and a one of a kind way of phrasing and inflecting. The songs forced me to tune in and then they lulled me away."

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